How Much Do Amazon Sellers Make in the UK

How Much Do Amazon Sellers Make in the UK

How long is a piece of string? Amazon is used by sellers of all sizes, from people who work full-time selling products on Amazon to people who use Amazon selling as a second or third income stream. As ever with all sales platforms, it is essential to understand the...
Amazon Commission Rates

Amazon Commission Rates

Introduction For any entrepreneur venturing into the realm of e-commerce, comprehending the nuances of Amazon’s commission structure is vital to unlocking the gateway to profitability. Amazon offers an immense marketplace for sellers to showcase their products...
Do I Need a Company to Sell on Amazon UK

Do I Need a Company to Sell on Amazon UK

If you are thinking of selling on Amazon, you may be wondering if you need to set up a limited company in order to do so. The short answer is “no”, but as with many things, the answer is actually more complex than that. Legally, you can sell on Amazon as a private...
Amazon Selling Fee

Amazon Selling Fee

For businesses looking to expand their reach and tap into the immense potential of e-commerce, selling on Amazon is often a no-brainer. With its vast customer base and robust infrastructure, Amazon provides a lucrative platform for sellers to showcase their products....
5 Amazon Seller VAT Stories – From Disaster to Success

5 Amazon Seller VAT Stories – From Disaster to Success

Having been working with e-commerce businesses for a number of years now we have come across many stories of accounting and tax disasters (some of which had a happy outcome, but you will probably guess that they are in the minority). Accounting in an e-commerce...
Amazon European Fulfilment Network Opens Up New Opportunities

Amazon European Fulfilment Network Opens Up New Opportunities

EU Fulfilment from the UK Amazon’s recent opening up of their European Fulfilment Network (“EFN”) to allow fulfilment of EU orders from the UK has created new opportunities for sellers to sell into the EU without having to deal with the complexities...