Referral Programme for Accountants

We get that accounting for e-commerce is more complicated, that’s part of why we’ve chosen to specialise in it. We live and breathe e-commerce and work almost exclusively with clients in this sector.
This puts us in a unique position to be able to help other accountants. We recognise that there is a significant time investment required to learn the additional skills required to service e-commerce businesses. That’s why we have a referral programme in place for other accountants.

How Does Our Referral Programme Work?

You’re an accountant, and you receive an enquiry for an e-commerce business. You’ve identified that, on this occasion, it’s perhaps not in your interests to make the time investment required. So instead of taking the lead any further, you simply introduce them to us, whether that’s by email or a Zoom call. That’s up to you. For any leads that subsequently become clients of ours, we will pay a referral fee to you as a percentage of our expected Y1 revenue (excluding any international VAT/GST fees).

Alternatively, it may be that you have an existing client, and perhaps you’ve got to the point where you’ve decided they’re not a good fit for you. Perhaps they are difficult to service in profitability, perhaps you find that the additional research required to service them is taking up too much of your time, or maybe they’re expanding into a new e-commerce channel or territory that you don’t have experience with. We’re happy to help in these instances too and would welcome a referral for such clients.

Why Should I Refer to Elver E-commerce Accountants?

We are one of the leading e-commerce specialist accounting firms in the UK and have built significant knowledge and experience in this sector. We have strong relationships with e-commerce accounting applications like A2X and international VAT/GST facilities to enable a comprehensive service offering to e-commerce businesses.

By focusing exclusively on e-commerce, our team possesses the expertise to clearly articulate the advantages of specialised accounting services to potential clients, leading to high conversion rates. While referring clients to us may mean passing on certain opportunities, it also opens up a valuable avenue for you to earn referral fees. We view this as a collaborative opportunity, where your referrals not only support your clients with specialised needs but also reward you for your professional networking.

Want to learn more? Click here to schedule an introductory call. If you like what you hear, we’ll send over a referral agreement to formalise our relationship.
